Sunday, March 29, 2009

Date With Second Women!!! Must Read

Pada permulaan saya membaca e-mail yang dikirimkan oleh kawan saya ini, ia amat menyentuh hati saya hinggakan ada saatny air mata mau keluar bah...sbb itu saya mau kasi kongsi semua org cerita itu.....
After get marriage for twenty-one years, I found an unique way to refresh my love life. Not long ago, I was dated with a lady and the idea was come from my wife.
One day, my wife said "I know you love her". I was shocked "The one I love is you!" She said "I know but u love her too".
The lady that my wife asked me to visit was my mother. She was alone for nineteen years. However, i was busy with my job and my children, so i was less likely visit her. The night i call her, invited her to have a dinner and movie with me at the second day. "What happen? Are u alright?" she asked. I answered "I was just thinking that if i have chance to dated with u alone, it sure be interesting". After a while she said "I do".

The friday after i worked, i fetched her at her house, felt like a litter bit nervous because i had never to date with my mum before. When i reached her house, i found that she seems a litter bit nervous too. She was in her suite, which she wareduring her last wedding anniversary with my dad, waiting my in her house.

She made her hair specifically, smilling like an angle. When she get into my car, she proundly said "all my friends were jealous at me when they know that i'm gonna dating with my son." We went to a restaurant which was not expensive but with warmth and cozy enviroment.

My mum hold my hand as she was the wife of President. After seat her, i help her to order her food because she only can read the big capital words. When we were eating, i found she was stare at me. She smile and said "I remembered that during our childhood i always make the order for you". I answered "Then now is your chance to take a rest and let me to serve you".

We keep talking during our dinner. Sharing about our life and some thing happening these few years. We talked for very long time until we missed the movie. When i fetched her back to her house, she said "I'd like to date with you next time, but please let me pay the bill next time". I agreed.

When I bak to my home, my wife asked "How's your date with your Mum?". "It interesting and fun, over my expectation", I answered.

Few days later, my mum was passed away due to heart failure. The thing happened in an unexpected answer. I wasn't prepared for it all.
Soon after this, I received a letter. There are a receipt of restaurant that I dated with my mum and a message, "I already paid the bill for our next dated, even thought I know I'd probably won't have chance to date with you anymore. I still pay the bill for two persons, you and your wife, You will never know how meaningful the date to me. I love you."

At the moment, I realised that we must always spare our precious time to our beloved and told them you loved them before it is too late.Don't make any regret in our life.
Huhuhuhu demikianlah ceritanya...sedih juga kan walaupun pendek ja....yg penting kita sedar tanggungjawab kita kepada org2 yang kita sayangi itu....God Bless us/....Amen

Friday, March 27, 2009

Apa mau buat???

Cantiknya.......sya ada naik, kamurang????
dengan kawan...hensom kah sya??? ahahhah

kawan sya yg gila2 hahahha tp skg dah jadi SME(sale marketing Exctv)

Emmm nie masuk minggu ke-2 aku indak buat apa2 nie...huhuhuh kadang-kadang buring juga kalo indak joint apa2 semalam kan haiya, punya teruk banjir dia....kereta jem start dr Bandar Sahera lagi sampai lah di talipok sequere...aduiiii berenang bah tu kereta hahhahah itu lah kita juga punya salah indak pandai jaga alam sekitar, sudah jadi teruk mcm nie baru mau bising2 hahahah biasalah org kita.... mudah lupa dan mudah menkeji...wha to do???

Saturday, March 21, 2009

waaaa...tingginya hhehehheeh buring2 di rumah...fewwww terus p KL jalan2 kunun heheheh terlampau lama kerja tanpa rehat pun susah juga...bgaikan jentera yg indak tau rusak. Tpkan, mcm mana tu urang dulu2 tau mau buat ini bangunan tinggi2??? Fikir-fikirkan dan selamat beramal...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Cahaya dalam kegelapan

Hi semua, ini adalah kali pertama saya menjejakkan kaki ke dunia bloggers ini. Walaupun selama ini saya pernah mendengarnya tetapi tidak pernah mau menghiraukannya. Tetapi hari ini ianya betul2 menarik saya unutk lebih mengenali... Emmm kenapa agaknya saya memilih tajuk Cahaya dalam kegelapan...hemmmmm banyak sekali kegelapan yang dilihat selama ini, semakin lama aku ini berada di dalam kegelapan itu, semakin kuat semangat aku untuk mencari terang cahayanya.. Walau bagaimanapun, bukan mudah untuk mendapatkan terang itu...